Coming 2020
A new story from me to you with a dash of humor,
an element of mystery and lots of heart!
I have joined a wonderful group of authors
to bring you The Mosaic Collection.

Books in this collection will begin releasing summer
2019. Visit the Mosaic website to learn more about
the heart of the collection and to meet the authors.
On a personal note…
This is a year of change. We graduate our daughter from high school (we homeschooled) which will be quite the shift for me. She is the last one to graduate and I’m looking forward to what life will look like. However, for the next month or so life is full of dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s. Special events and announcements. Visits from family. Life is full and so rich! It’s a joy to see our daughter flurish.
I am also currently helping my writers group prepare for our yearly writers conferencehere in Omaha, April 26-27, 2019. When the need presented itself, I stepped in with my self taught DIY techie skills to ensure their registration runs smoothly and help with whatever technical aspect I am able to. If you are interested in a low cost, yet effective conference check out Wordsowers website.
More about my newest book soon!
And another special announcement coming your way summer 2019!
Sign up for my newsletter (Link in the gray bar at the top of this page) so you are sure to hear it from me first.