In Exiles, Preston writes a thoughtful and provocative book looking at how we as Christians are to live in the political world.

During the Covid pandemic, I saw Christians divide over both important and more peripheral matters. Online, I would see various posts which said, “You can’t be a Christian if (fill in the blank)”. And while the world watched, Christians tore into each other. They hurt each other based on political views which one side or the other said had to be held to be in God’s good standing. The church became divided, and many did not return to worship once it was allowed.
I believe we can do better.

The best place to start is searching the Bible, not for proof we are right, but to discover what God has to say about our role in politics as a follower of Christ. Then, after considering our own beliefs, convictions, and actions in the political arena, as the Holy Spirit guides, align our ideas with HIS about how we approach politics.
In Exiles, Sprinkle lays a solid biblical foundation as he examines what it means to live as Exiles in this world. He explains three approaches to engaging with politics. The first two will likely be familiar by actions if not by name. The third one is an alternative way that addresses convictions that drive many to hold their political view while at the same time promoting unity.
If you’re interested in examining your approach to politics and if you desire to align your theology of politics with scripture, then I highly recommend this book as a place to start.