See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
Isaiah 43:19
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
Isaiah 43:19
Trust is often counter-intuitive;
going against everything we
understand and believe to be true.
What does trust look like?
Abraham offered his only son Isaac.
Daniel refused to eat the king’s food.
David refused to harm King Saul.
Ruth left her home and her family to follow her mother-in-law.
Noah built a boat where there had never been rain!
The priests stepped into the flooded Jordan to cross over into Canaan.
The lame man picked up his mat and walked.
The Israelites put their worshippers in front of the army going into battle.
The widow fed Elijah before she fed herself and her son.
The servants at the wedding feast filled wine pots with water.
The apostles passed out 5 loaves and 2 fishes to a crowd of 5000.
Naaman – with leprosy-dipped 7 times in the muddy Jordan.
Paul and Silas sang while in the Philippian jail.
Gideon sent the majority of the troops home to face the enemy with only 300 men
welding torches and pitchers!
The army of God did nothing and watched God fight for them.
Jesus instructed:
Love your enemy.
Forgive those who hurt you.
Trust is not about doing what’s obvious, logical and proven. Trust is about waiting on God and obeying. Whatever that requires of us.
Have you ever done something counter-intuitive
in your trust walk with God?