My latest writing project is a Christmas short story which will be a part of the Mosaic Christmas Anthology for 2020. I can’t wait to see what you think about my story! I’ve written and self-edited the first draft, now it’s off to my early readers before my next round of edits. While it’s away with my early readers, I’ll be plotting away on my next full length novel. More on that to come.

I am currently reading the most recent release from The Mosaic Collection, The Mischief Thief by Johnnie Alexander. My Kindle says I’m already 44% through and I can confidently tell you that it’s a fun read! Grab your copy on Amazon.

Next on my reading list is Dark Motives a new release by Zanne Marie Dyer. I discovered Zanne on Instagram (@zannemariedyer). Visit her website to learn more about Zanne or her book.
About Dark Motives: Homicide detective Jet Wholeman, is assigned to a case involving the abduction and murder of a young girl. Initially, the prime suspect of the investigation is a pastor of a large local church, but the twists and turns of a staged crime scene, forensic evidence and new leads, reveal a different picture. Grab your copy on Amazon.

The Mosaic Collection’s most recent release, Before Summer’s End Anthology, is now available for .99 pre-order on Amazon.
Movie recommendation: I recently watched Ford v Farrari. I really enjoyed the movie. It’s much more than just a car movie. It’s story about the people who beat Farrari and their journey to get there. I really enjoyed Christian Bale’s portrayal of the driver. Haven’t seen it? Aren’t sold it’s something you would like? Watch the trailer and then give it a shot.
What have you been up to lately?
Any good recommendations?