The word of God reveals his character. What we believe about his character informs how we engage with God.
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The word of God reveals his character. What we believe about his character informs how we engage with God.
Live Not by Lies by Rod Dreher A Manual for Christian Dissidents As American culture declines into a place where individual “truth” trumps THE TRUTH, the fight is on among conservatives to preserve religious freedoms. But as we fight for the right to worship and live the way we choose, are we leaving a more […]
Wherever we are in our faith journey, we may at times rely on others to inform our beliefs about God because the Bible (or at least certain topics) feels confusing or it’s frustrating to read. With the barriers of history and culture, it’s no surprise that the bible can be hard to understand at times. […]
In Exiles, Preston writes a thoughtful and provocative book looking at how we as Christians are to live in the political world. During the Covid pandemic, I saw Christians divide over both important and more peripheral matters. Online, I would see various posts which said, “You can’t be a Christian if (fill in the blank)”. […]
Happy release day to Where Healing Starts, the second book in the Applewood Hill series. Come along on the Novel Way Blog Tour …
“You’re safe here, Starr.”
How many times has Detective Cole Blacksky said that to her since helping her escape the life she’d been forced into eight years earlier?
Starr desperately wants to believe him, but she knows Brady Erickson, her former captor, too well. Although Cole has promised her protective custody on his family’s remote ranch, no place on earth is safe enough. Brady will stop at nothing to permanently silence her before she ever reaches the witness stand.
I know you have heard of a garden of flowers but have you heard of a garden of books? I have partnered up with Celebrate Lit Publicity to do an amazing giveaway where you can win a spectacular garden of over 40 books (This Side of Yesterday is one of those books) or a $500 Amazon gift […]
I feel it in the early morning hours just before the sun rises. The air is fresh and all is still. Then I hear the birds singing. A lightening of the darkness begins to hint at day coming. At this moment, I can sense God’s presence more easily than in other moments. Perhaps because my […]
This week, March 8-12, I’m celebrating This Side of Yesterday’s book birthday! If you want to join in on the fun, come over to the Mosaic Collection Readers Group! Rumor has it, there might even be chocolate! Haven’t read This Side of Yesterday yet? It’s on sale for only .99, Monday – Friday (8th – 12th) this […]
I’m excited to announce that The Jukebox Cafe, the prequel short story for This Side of Yesterday is now available as a standalone. You can get your copy for .99 through December 2020. Find out how Mike and Ginger meet! For more about the story visit my book page. Get your copy on Amazon. . […]