Lately, I’ve felt disconnected with God. Not like prodigal child disconnected. Just distant. I think I’ve stuck my head into the sand of busyness lately and been preoccupied with all the things I just have to get done. It’s been far too easy to opt to accomplish one more thing rather than to stop and […]
Ambassador for Christ
I admit it. I’m selfish. My thoughts default toward me, my well-being and comfort. It’s not that I want to be selfish. In my heart I embrace the journey to be selfless and think of others and God first. But that’s easier said than done when faced with the hard places. Offenses, losses, changes. […]
The Power of Forgiveness
Today, welcome Sharon Garlock Spiegel on her blog tour for Generations! It was a vicious cycle… When Edward Garlock was sober, he was a kind, generous hard-working farmer, providing for his wife and eight children. But when he was drunk, he transformed into a bully capable of absolute cruelty. Then one day two young men showed […]
Why I Have Hope
Today, welcome special guest Kathy Nickerson as she begins her blog tour for Thirty Days to Glory. Thanks so much to Angela for helping me launch my book tour for Thirty Days to Glory. I know she is super busy spreading the news about her own book. (I assume you have read Where Hope Starts […]
Trust after Betrayal
Today I have a special guest, Elisabeth Klein Corcoran. Elisabeth is the author of Unraveling. While God’s best is restoration of marriages, sometimes no matter how hard we try, it just doesn’t happen. How do you hang on to faith? How do you trust again? “I just don’t trust him anymore. How can I? He has […]
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?Isaiah 43:19 Trust is often counter-intuitive; going against everything we understand and believe to be true. What does trust look like? Abraham offered his only son Isaac. Daniel refused to eat the king’s food. David refused to harm King Saul. Ruth left her […]
Faith in the Furnace
photo credit: // adamr “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image […]
4 Guideposts on the Path to Restoration
Whether a relationship once broken can be mended or not, restoration for the wounded heart is possible. That takes learning to trust God. Here are 4 guideposts to help you find that place of trust and restoration. Praise God. In the middle of the ugliness, it can feel like there is no good, but if […]
7 Reasons to Trust God
Welcome to launch week for Where Hope Starts. Visit my welcome page to see what’s happening to celebrate! At the bottom of today’s post, enter my book launch giveaway. Later this week there will be more book related posts, but for today, join me on my regular Monday posting: Journey to Trust In Where Hope Starts, the main character comes to […]
Finding Your True North
Today I have a special guest: Reba J. Hoffman. I came across Reba’s blog and immediatelly wanted to follow what she was doing. I invited her to share her adventure with you. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I do. I poured myself into spandex riding shorts, loaded my bicycle with fifty […]